Monday, May 3, 2010

Do you know where your Chocolate comes from?

Do you know (or even care) where your favourite Chocolate originates from? 

Chocolate is such a luxury in most countries today, and fast becoming an essential ingredient in cooking, not to mention a highly addictive 'comfort-treat'.
But do we know how our chocolate is made or where it is grown?
And, have you noticed how expensive it is becoming for a 'humble' bar of chocolate these days or even worse - how the chocolate bars are shrinking????? both in number of squares and in thickness!

....well, let me enlighten you to something even more disgusting and even criminal in the story of our delectable and addictive favourite little treat........the bitter truth!

You probably are aware that chocolate comes from Cocoa Beans, and maybe even know that Cocoa Beans come from South America.......right! But did you know that more recently (over the past 100 years) Cocoa beans have become a major crop for a handful of African countries.........and unfortunately, a good percentage of the Cocoa bean plantations not only use child labour for harvesting the crops, but slave child labour!!!!!!!!?!
......that is: kids are kidnapped from neighbouring countries (sold for a pittance) and put to hard labour on the Cocoa bean plantations! That is: 'work for no pay', no schooling, no contact with families, no is sickening and very, very sad!!!!! Think about that next time you are having a 'melting moment'!!!
Makes me want to give up chocolate for good! ( my husband did last year when he first became aware of the kids' plight)

....but the 'good' news is that, the chocolate companies are slowly coming on board to clean up the situation and support 'fair trade' farmers and plantations (slow process - Cadbury just released in April, 2010 their first 'fair trade' chocolate bar...yes ONE chocolate bar.....that uses beans from a 'fair trade' approved plantation)

'In the United Kingdom 10 chocolate bars from different companies now have a Fairtrade logo. For chocolate lovers that logo is supposed to guarantee children have not been employed illegally in the making of the chocolate.'
There are heroes out there like Willi the chocolate maker from the UK who is doing his own thing in South America buying his own plantation, growing his own Cocoa Beans and making and producing quality chocolate from his Cocoa beans!

(read more about Willie's chocolate factory here:

Read more on the Link to Four Corners show on ABC: "Chocolate: The Bitter Truth"

"Chocolate: The Bitter Truth" goes to air on Monday 3rd May at 8.30pm on ABC1.  
It is replayed on 4th May at 11.35pm. 
It will also be available online.

More links about Chocolate and the bitter truth of child labour here:

Friday, April 23, 2010

Shortbread Time!!!

My favourite SIMPLE Shortbread recipe:

150g Butter
90g Castor Sugar
150g Plain flour
90g S/R flour
50g Almond meal (optional)

mix butter and sugar together (not cream)
add sifted flours mixing as you go
add almond meal (if you are using it!)

let it rest for a bit...

then mix together with your hands, squeezing it together to make it form like a dough - even if it seems too crumbly keep working it until it comes together (if you get impatient, then add a little milk to bind it together)

knead/roll out on a floured board or bench
cut mixture into two and
roll into log shapes (sprinkling flour as you go, if it is too sticky)

then either use straight away or I like to make it the night before, wrap the logs in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnite

you can cut them into 1cm shapes/slices - place on a greased/floured baking tray, then press each one with a fork or prick them with a fork - whatever you prefer!
and then cook in a slow oven 150-160C for 15 - 25 mins (i.e. depending on how hot your oven is) just until they start to change colour - makes up at least 24!

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